[MlMt] can MessageVerifications.plist catch "is not among"?

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Wed Jun 6 12:54:06 EDT 2018

On 6 Jun 2018, at 18:30, Shoshanna Green wrote:

> 	conditions = "(from ~[c] 'my_private_address at example.com' and
>                              #recipient.address IS NOT AMONG
>                                                       friend_1 at example.com,
>                                                       friend_2 at example.com,
>                                                       friend_3 at example.com,
>                                                       friend_4 at example.com)"

Well, if it's hardcoded then you can do `(#recipient.address != 
'friend_1 at example.com' and #recipient.address != 'friend_2 at example.com' 
and ...)`

> but this is awkward to read and maintain, especially since the actual 
> list of approved recipients is more than 130 addresses long. I'd much 
> rather have it in MessageVerifications.plist than in the header of a 
> dummy email message, if possible!

It might not be much better, but you could have a mailbox (IMAP or maybe 
a smart mailbox based on a tag) and then do:

> 	conditions = "(from ~[c] 'my_private_address at example.com' and 
> #recipient.address != $UUID.#recipient.address)";

Replace the `UUID` with the value you get on the pasteboard if you 
select the mailbox and hit ⌘C.

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