[MlMt] Gmail authorization and more

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Fri Apr 28 10:33:10 EDT 2017

Hi MailMate users,

most of this email is somewhat technical. Just ignore it if it's 

It's likely that no one has noticed, but I've changed how Gmail accounts 
are authorized in the latest test releases. The authorization is now 
done in an external browser (instead of an embedded browser). I've done 
this for two reasons.

1. It's the recommended approach for [security 
2. Google has 
that they'll stop supporting the embedded approach. I don't know the 
exact time frame on this, but I'd like to be ready when it happens.

I have not changed the OAuth2 approach for `outlook.com` since they 
don't appear to support anything but the embedded approach. (It also 
doesn't affect iCloud for which third party applications can only 
support the password based approach -- using application specific 
passwords if two factor authentication/verification is enabled.)

You can help me out by testing the new method like this:

1. Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
preferences pane to get the latest test release.
2. Use “Keychain Access” to remove existing tokens named like this:


3. Relaunch or take Gmail account(s) offline/online.
4. Finally, see if MailMate asks you to authorize the account(s) and 
does this using an external browser.

Thanks in advance.

Off topic: Next week, starting Tuesday, I'll be on vacation in Rome and 
I might be even slower at answering emails than usual (I'm not 
completely offline though).

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