[MlMt] thread-reading behavior

John D. Muccigrosso muccigrosso at icloud.com
Thu Sep 1 14:39:58 EDT 2016

On 1 Sep 2016, at 14:25, aisrael wrote:

> It is the alt (MacOS) key, not the cmd one.

Ah, the option key (which I now see is sometimes labeled Alt). Thanks!

Here’s what happens for me:

1. Option-enter when a thread is highlighted. Beep.
2. Cmd-enter. Also beep.
3. Option-double-click. Top message opens.
4. Cmd-double-click. Top message opens.

So I’m not seeing any of this behavior. Holding down the key stops the 
usual enter-to-open behavior and does nothing when double-clicking.

> If you use it on a folder/subfolder/subsubfolder….in the Finder, it 
> opens the entire thread also.

I don’t understand this. Option-double-clicking a folder opens the 
folder and closes the containing folder, as it has done for years. 
Command-double-clicking opens the folder in a new tab, which is 
analogous to opening it in a new window (tab/window choice might be a 

Oh, wait, you mean just option-clicking on the little arrow. Yes, in 
both contexts that reveals the entire tree, but in neither does it open 
the file/message, and that’s what I’m after.

To be clear: what I want to happen is that when I open a selected, but 
collapsed thread by either hitting enter or double-clicking on it, is 
that all the messages in the thread open at once. That could be using 
the current method of having them all be displayed in the same window, 
or in multiple windows. Mail.app does it the former way, with each 
message in its own little enclosed box inside the window. (I like this 


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