[MlMt] permanently killing Organize by Thread

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Tue Nov 29 11:27:01 EST 2016

On 28 Nov 2016, at 17:52, Shoshanna Green wrote:

> (I know that I'm not accidentally turning on Organize by Thread 
> myself; it happens — unpredictably and not often — when I switch 
> to viewing a new mailbox, which I do with one- or two-character 
> shortcuts defined in a keybindings plist. There's no way that I'm 
> accidentally typing shift-option-t when I mean to type i or d or gr!)

I'm sorry this is still unstable. Eventually I'll get around to changing 
how it works (internally, saving/restoring mailbox state has become far 
too complicated). As a temporary stop-gap solution, you can try this in 
the latest release:

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmForcedThreadingType -string 

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