[MlMt] Updating account information made MailMate (re)download *all* email

Sherif Soliman sherif at ssoliman.com
Tue Jul 26 18:15:24 EDT 2016

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016, at 05:09 PM, Sherif Soliman wrote:
> This happened on the MailMate BETA, but I don't know if it's limited to 
> it or can happen in the stable version.
> I use FastMail and they recently made some security upgrades[1], which 
> include two factor authentication (2FA), app-specific passwords, and new 
> imap and smtp server names.
> [1]: 
> https://blog.fastmail.com/2016/07/25/two-step-verification-and-other-new-security-features/
> Once you enable 2FA on FastMail, you *have* to generate app-specific 
> passwords. I generated a new password for MailMate to use, and went to 
> update the account information by right clicking on it in the list of 
> sources.
> I put in the new password and changed the server names from the old 
> `mail.messagingengine.com` to `<protocol>.fastmail.com`.
> What happened afterwards is that MailMate re-downloaded my entire email 
> content from FastMail. I know because I use Little Snitch and I could 
> see that MailMate used the same amount of bandwidth down as my used 
> space on FastMail.
> It also reset some of the mailboxes that have "types". For example, I 
> had to re-tell MailMate which folder to use for Sent Messages, and which 
> one to use for Junk, and Trash.
> I don't know if that's expected behaviour or not. It could be a really 
> expensive download for some people (I have the speed and bandwidth to 
> spare, so I'm good).
> If it is unexpected but intended, is there a way to make it not happen?
> If it is unavoidable for whatever reason, then this is a PSA to people 
> that this could happen, so if you plan on making changes to server names 
> and can wait for a time when you don't need your network or have free 
> bandwidth, you should do that.

(apologies for the duplicate email - not sure what happened)

And now MailMate is extremely sluggish in starting up, and will often freeze on startup. The duplicate message happened as it struggled with this cycle.


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