Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Fri Jan 22 11:12:54 EST 2016

On 22 Jan 2016, at 17:09, Pascal Felber wrote:

> Since our IT department migrated my mailbox to a new exchange server, 
> I cannot connect with Mailmate anymore (but I can with some other 
> clients).

The other clients may have native support for Exchange instead of 
relying on IMAP.

> Interestingly, it does not reject the password immediately but instead 
> seems to time out. The log reads:
> Any idea of what could be the problem, and what to do to try and track 
> it down?

You should ask the IT department. You can provide them with the same log 
as you sent here.

If you want to try out increasing the timeout then you can force it to 
be longer like this:

	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMinimumConnectionTimeout -integer 

The above increases it to 2 minutes. You must relaunch MailMate to make 
it work.

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