[MlMt] Emailing and Resizing Photos

Muster Hans muster at sture.ch
Sat Oct 17 10:54:57 EDT 2015

On 17 Oct 2015, at 15:44, David Verch wrote:

> I apologize for not being as much a power user as others. In apple 
> mail you could determine which size to make picture attachments to 
> keep the email size under 10 Mb which I have found is the average 
> message size limit for many people. What would the best way to not 
> send 8 Mb images. Can you use something like BBCodes and Flickr  so 
> that the pictures get embedded and viewed when the recipient opens 
> them.

It isn't just size limits at play here, David.  A couple of friends with 
limited broadband speeds complain if I send large photos.  What I do is 
export photos at a more reasonable size - e.g. 100KB - before including 
them in emails.

Perhaps someone here has a more automated solution..,

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