[MlMt] Trouble connecting to iCloud (certificate validation)

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Thu Aug 20 11:46:09 EDT 2015

On 20 Aug 2015, at 16:40, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

> FWIW I've solved that issue (SSL failures) by actually stopping to pin 
> down SSL to port 465 in the SMTP settings (i.e. uncheck "port:" 
> setting).
> I was seeing these errors with various providers unrelated to iCloud.

Yes, it's kind of a MailMate bug.

> As matter of curiosity why would the SMTP code be port dependent ??

Well, the problem is that MailMate does not require a specific port. If 
none is given then it tries the standard ports (25, 587) and the 
non-standard port (465). When successful then the port is remembered as 
being the most recently used (mru) port. Some times the mru port fails 
and MailMate then again tries the other ports.

MailMate is bad at handling port 465 (even when it works), because some 
servers use it SSL style and some use it TLS style (as in port 993 vs 
143 for IMAP). My code for detecting this does not work well -- and 
apparently MailMate is also bad at skipping port 465 when this problem 
is encountered.

That's the best I can tell you without actually looking into it and 
fixing the problem :-)


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