[MlMt] Configuring MailMate for showing messages not covered by any "rule" (or automatically move mails)

Rasmus Møller Selsmark rasmus at unity3d.com
Tue Sep 23 17:05:07 EDT 2014


So far MailMate seems to be just the right mail client for my needs, 
however struggling with one configuration of mailboxes.

I'm using Gmail (company-wide solution, so cannot move to other 
provider) and would like to organize mails into folders/smart mailboxes. 
My workflow: Receives mails on approx. 20 different mailing lists, which 
I would like to automatically filter/move into folders/mailboxes. That 
seems to be easily configured using Smart Mailboxes.

However, I would also like to show my regular "Inbox" of mails not 
addressed to any of the filtered mailing lists (but not necessarily 
having me as direct recipient), in order to identify mails with "higher 
priority". So it somehow possible to set up a Smart Mailbox (or similar) 
which shows mails not covered by other configured Smart Mailboxes?

In OS X Mail I accomplished this by configuring rules which would move 
mails into subfolders, which worked well for my workflow (but OS X Mail 
has other problems, which makes me look for alternatives)

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this (i.e. showing "unfiltered 
mails") using MailMate?


Best regards, Rasmus

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