[MlMt] mailmate Digest, Vol 44, Issue 25

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Thu Nov 27 14:30:54 EST 2014

On 27 Nov 2014, at 18:13, Sebastian Poll wrote:

> To be honest I may be just using this wrong. I always changed the 
> subject or removed the quoted text. I never used mailing lists 
> before...

You did fine. You cannot do much better when using the digest option. 
This is also why I dislike that it's an option at all, but that's my 

> For this message I just responded to the Mailmate Digest.

That won't work either except for other users using the digest option.

> Let's see how this turns out, but as my problem has been solved: As 
> soon as I stop sending mails I won't break this again ;-)

A digest contains multiple emails and therefore the email client cannot 
know which one is actually replied. The `Message-ID`s needed are also 
lost. It would be better if a digest was some kind of MIME-based 
standardized format, but that does not exist. Essentially, digests are a 
broken concept unless it's used for read-only purposes. (End of rant :-) 

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