[MlMt] Flagged Mail in a Thread

Benny Kjær Nielsen mailinglist at freron.com
Wed Mar 26 11:04:31 EDT 2014

On 26 Mar 2014, at 15:54, Rob McClure wrote:

> Ack... I get a "doink"  sound when I hit the number. I've looked at my 
> system keyboard shortcuts and use keyCue to look at keybindings and 
> see nothing that is intercepting the keystroke. Any ideas?

You could try binding to other keys than the default and see if that 
makes a difference. Here is the default (which also reveals how Apple 
Mail implements these flags):

	"F" = {
		"0" = ( "removeTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"1" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"2" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"3" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0",    
"setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"4" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit0",    
"setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"5" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"6" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit0", 
"removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit1",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );
		"7" = (    "setTag:", "\\Flagged", "removeTag:", "$MailFlagBit0",    
"setTag:", "$MailFlagBit1",    "setTag:", "$MailFlagBit2" );

You can also try launching MailMate from the Terminal to see if there 
are any error messages:


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