[MlMt] Correspondence layout, shifted

Paula Coelho paulartcoelho at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 12:37:31 EDT 2014

i've just unzipped the file at ~/Library/Application 
and restarted MailMate. It worked fine, the new layouts appeared at the 
bottom of the layout list.


On 14 Aug 2014, at 13:33, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:

> Hi Luca,
> I have download this file and place it in the folder
> ressources/layouts/Mailboxes/
> In a folder I have 3 files .plist:
> Widescreen.plist
> correspondence_minimal_shifted.plist
> correspondence_minimal.plist
> But I don't have in menu view a layout.
> Desoled, are you a solution for me ?
> Cordialy
> ***
> Olivier Bedouelle | +33 6 80 99 99 33 | 
> [Vertdeco.fr](http://www.vertdeco.fr)
> ***
> On 14 Aug 2014, at 9:35, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:
>> Hi Luca,
>> I place a folder Layouts in ~/Library/Application 
>> Support/MailMate/Resources/ but i don't see a layout in a menu view..
>> Have you a idea ?
>> Thanks
>> Cordialy
>> ---
>> [![signature][LOGO]][vertdeco]
>> [LOGO]:http://www.vertdeco.fr/doc/signatures/OBEP.png
>> [vertdeco]:http://www.vertdeco.fr "cliquez ici pour visiter le site 
>> web de Vertdéco"
>> ---
>> On 12 Aug 2014, at 19:27, Luca Allodi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Today I spent some time flipping around my favourite MailMate 
>>> layout, Correspondence.
>>> I am not sure anybody would really be interested in this 
>>> re-organisation but I thought to share just in case.
>>> So, you might be interested in this if you have similar thoughts as 
>>> mine:
>>> - I like using MM through my keyboard shortcuts (e.g. to navigate 
>>> mailboxes).
>>> - I like saving up space on the monitor
>>> - I also like having the email I am interested right in front of me, 
>>> rather than next to one of the screen edges (right edge for the 
>>> Widescreen layout, or bottom for the others).
>>> Because of this I don't need:
>>> - the full list of mailboxes to be always available for me to 
>>> mouse-click
>>> - all the horizontal space dedicated to the mail listing
>>> - the actual mail body shifted to the bottom right because of all 
>>> the space occupied by the Mailboxes vertical bar and by the 
>>> Correspondence bit.
>>> Here's how I edited Correspondence (link on imgur.com):
>>> ![Example of Correspondence Shifted 
>>> (imgur)](http://i.imgur.com/p8y1lL2.png)
>>> One idea was also to include an additional panel showing only the 
>>> attachments in the mail, for rapid access (they are always listed at 
>>> the very bottom of the mail body and sometimes that's a bit annoying 
>>> when I am looking through emails to find a particular attachment).
>>> The panel could be:
>>> - horizontal: for the classic "quick look"-"save" interface
>>> - vertical: for a full preview (but this would require plugins e.g. 
>>> for PDFs etc).
>>> Anyway I have no idea how to query MM to return an email attachment. 
>>> Benny, would something like
>>> 	attachments = $mainOutline.attachments
>>> work? I did not try. If there's a way to implement this I would 
>>> happily give it a shot.
>>> Anyway, I attach the layout, which I named "Correspondence Shifted" 
>>> because as a poet I fall quite short. The attachment is a zip file 
>>> with the directory structure and the layout to place in
>>> 	~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/
>>> If you have other custom layouts already defined, make sure to merge 
>>> the dirs rather than substituting yours with mine. If you like 
>>> Correspondence Shifted but are uncomfortable with some changes ask 
>>> and I'll deliver (if I know how to do it :-)) or you are welcome to 
>>> modify it yourself and share it back.
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Luca Allodi
>>> DISI, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
>>> http://disi.unitn.it/~allodi/ - https://securitylab.disi.unitn.it/
>>> Visiting Durham University. Durham, UK.
>>> (@secscientist)
>>> [Layouts.zip]
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