[MlMt] Create Things todo item from message (Command)

Torsten Grust torsten.grust at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Nov 22 13:27:14 EST 2013

Hello all,

I am a user of Things 2 (http://culturedcode.com) and have built
commands to create a Things todo item based on the current MailMate 
(right along the lines of Benny's OmniFocus and Reminders commands).

The .mmBundle implementing the commands is attached.  Unpack the ZIP
archive into

	~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles

(you may need to create this directory first).  The relevant
files will unpack under


which is a regular directory you can change into.

Details to note:

1. The commands `Command → Things → Add With Summary ...` and
    `Command → Things → Add ...` are bound to ⌃⇧T, ⌃T, 
respectively. You
    can change these bindings in the `.mmCommand` files in subdirectory 
    (see the `keyEquivalent` property).

2. The created todo item will be placed in Things' "Inbox" list (replace 
    with, say, "Today" or "Next" in `Support/bin/create_task` if you 
prefer a
    different target list).

3. The todo item will carry the message's MailMate tags.  Delete or 
comment the
    relevant line in `Support/bin/create_task` if you don't want 
    to pollute the Things tag space.


| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
| Torsten.Grust at gmail.com
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