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<p dir="auto">For emails that are part of a thread, I often search first by sender name but then need to see all emails in the same thread (from all senders).</p>
<p dir="auto">I’m using:</p>
<li>Search for all emails from sender: “f [sender]”</li>
<li>Select desired email</li>
<li>In preview pane, click subject (this adds the subject as an additional search criterion)</li>
<p dir="auto">Now I see no way to remove the original f [sender] from the search. Is there a way? Right now I’m forced to go through the following work-around:</p>
<ol start="4">
<li>Right-click email in search results pane and select “Go to source” (in addition to being an extra step, this opens an undesired new window)</li>
<li>In preview pane, click subject (this adds the subject as an additional search criterion)</li>
<p dir="auto">Can you help me find a better way? Thank you!</p>
<p dir="auto">Christian</p>