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<p dir="auto">This is a sort of last gasp.</p>
<p dir="auto">I need to have offline mail storage. It's essential.</p>
<p dir="auto">I like MailMate for many reasons, none of which offset the requirement for offline mail storage.</p>
<p dir="auto">It seems that I need a local IMAP server. It need not communicate with the outside world, just work inside my own user space. The <em>only</em> use of this server will be to provide MailMate with a way to 'see' the offline mail.</p>
<p dir="auto">I have purchased Emailchemy which claims to have an IMAP server but the app implements only a tiny fraction of the server functions. It's a good app for reading old mail but it's functionality stops there.</p>
<p dir="auto">I have tried to get dovecot running both from the dovecot website and MacPorts. <a href="http://hellopoetry.com/poem/101/a-childs-christmas-in-wales/">Oh, easy for Leonardo!</a> </p>
<p dir="auto">Does anyone have a canned approach that works out-of-the-box (i.e. without extensive modifications to .conf files and all that stuff?)</p>
<p dir="auto">R</p>