[MlMt] Counter in dock icon

Pascal Felber pfelber at pobox.com
Fri Oct 5 07:00:42 EDT 2018


I am using BetterTouchTool together with the GoldenChaos-BTT extension 
to customise the touch bar of my laptop, and notably show the number of 
unread messages. There are a number of scripts provided to extract the 
number of unread messages from various mail clients, but not MailMate. 
When trying to adapt the scripts to support MailMate, I got the feeling 
that MailMate does not use the same UI elements to display the 
counter/badge. For all other applications, the scripts extracts the 
number as follows:

   set badgeNumber to value of attribute "AXStatusLabel" of UI element 
"MailMate" of list 1

but this returns systematically an empty value, whereas for other 
programs that have a badge I would get the count.

If there is any alternative way to easily get this value, I'd be glad to 
know. Thanks!


P.S. For reference, here is the full script for Apple Mail:

if application "Mail" is running then
	tell application "System Events"
		tell process "Dock"
				set badgeNumber to value of attribute "AXStatusLabel" of UI element 
"Mail" of list 1
				if badgeNumber exists then
					if badgeNumber contains "iPhone" then
						return "iPhone"
					else if badgeNumber contains "iPad" then
						return "iPad"
					else if badgeNumber contains "watch" then
						return "Watch"
					else if badgeNumber contains "Mac" then
						return "Mac"
						return badgeNumber
					end if
					return ""
				end if
			on error
				return ""
			end try
		end tell
	end tell
	return ""
end if

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