[MlMt] Wishlist: functions to bind to keys

Patrik Fältström paf at frobbit.se
Sat Mar 12 14:23:41 EST 2016

When I go through a mailbox I step through it by "going to next mail" which displays it and because of that also marks it as read. Some mail I mark by flagging it and then doing "next".

But, this opens a thread...which I might be non-interested in, but then I would like to see "select mail in this thread" which could be followed by "mark as read" and "go to next unread mail".

For example bind "n" to the "next mail" and "N" to "mark selected mail and thread read, and then go to next".

The effect would be so that when the first mail in a thread is selected (when having "Organize by Thread" marked in View menu), before the thread is displayed, one can select that whole thing as read, and go to the "next line" in the display in the mailbox.

Can that be added to the "wish list"? ;-)

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