[MlMt] Newbie questions

AC-Martin amd at maclink.me
Tue Dec 2 06:14:26 EST 2014

On 2 Dec 2014, at 5:12, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> I'm sorry I'm so bad at spreading the word about MailMate :-)

I had actually seen it a couple times, scanned it and never really 
thought of seriously trying it.  It's always listed among the best 
clients for OS X.

> Your best option is to use a [hidden 
> preference](http://manual.mailmate-app.com/hidden_preferences#composing) 
> named `MmDefaultAccount`. (This comes up pretty often and I've 
> promised a few times to improve it and make it a GUI option.)

I see.  Thanks.  However, I've now come to realise that MailMate 
remembers a lot of user behaviours and associates From addresses and 
signatures with recipients.  I'll see how this works before fiddling 
with the hidden option.

> This is a Gmail issue affecting many users and it's not 
> straightforward to explain, but here we go:


> All this doesn't help you. Although I removed the Gmail specific code 
> I still have a general workaround which can be enabled like this:
> 	defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmEnableKeywordsCheckInIDLE -bool 
> Relaunch MailMate after enabling it. It'll affect all IMAP accounts, 
> but I don't really have a lot of feedback on how well it works. It's 
> the best I can offer you for now.

Ok.  I'll give it a try and give you some feedback.

> For me, the flags also update if I right-click the Inbox and select 
> “Synchronize”.

That doesn't work here.

Running MailMate v1.8(4576) on Mac OS X v10.10.1
MacBook Pro Retina
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