[MlMt] Custom key binding: mark all messages in Junk as read

Torsten Grust torsten.grust at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Aug 12 05:18:08 EDT 2013

Dear MailMates,

is the following custom key binding expected to work?

	/* Mark all messages in Junk folder as read */
	"^j" = ( "goToMailbox:", "JUNK", 
             "selectWithFilter:", "#flags.flag !=[x] '\\Seen'", 
             "setTag:", "\\Seen" );

It appears to almost work:

- the Junk mailbox is selected
- in that mailbox, all unread messages are selected (i.e., highlighted)


- the Seen flag isn't set.

Note: the "setTag:" bit *does* appears to work when I manually select
the mailbox' message list (e.g., by pressing TAB).


| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
| Torsten.Grust at gmail.com

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